DOJ:RP Sandy Shores [SAHP Handbook/SOP]


Standard Operating Procedures & Handbook

San Andreas Highway Patrol

Sandy Shores, Route 13. PO BOX 60597

Important Notes:

This Handbook/SOP was made for the purpose of how and why SAHP troopers should and will act whilst on duty in SAHP. Failure to meet the following requirements on the SOP will result in a termination and possible blacklist. SAHP is also currently not looking for Troopers as of currently, Please do not ask for training as stated before SAHP is not desperately not in need of Troopers.

Don't forget that you have to patrol & log 3 hours every week by Sunday at 5:00 PM EST.

Your discord in RTO should look like this:


Ex. 2M-081 | COMM | 17xrio

Your discord in SAHP should look like this:


Ex: COMM | 2M-081 | 17xrio

Section 0: [SAHP] Department Rank Structure

Department Administration

Commissioner: 17xrio


Deputy Commissioner: N/A


Assistant Commissioner: FnacElyees | N/A
Chief (x1)


Assistant Chief (Itz_LLogan)


Internal Affairs/IA

Head Of Internal Affairs:  (SGT | 2M-056 | Thebasher330)

Internal Affairs (x9)


Department High Ranks

Colonel (x1)
(LT. COL | 2M-008 | XKinqAcc)

Lieutenant Colonel (x2)


High Rank In Training (x2)




Department Executive Staff Board

Major (x2)


Captain (x3)


Lieutenant (x5)


Section 0: Chain of Command Policy

I. The Chain of Command - is a set number of units who can support you with any questions or inquiries you might have in regards to the department. A Corporal is a supervisor in training and should be the beginning of the Chain of Command. From there, if the Corporal cannot assist you they will refer you to the next highest ranking member to assist you. If a Trooper has an issue with a member of the chain of command, that Trooper may contact the next highest in the chain of command and or the Internal Affairs . Under normal circumstances, Troopers will not immediately contact Lieutenants or above. Failure to abide by this guidance may result in disciplinary action.

Troopers should remember each successive rank means taking on more responsibilities and duties, maintaining a chain of command is also important for discipline because in this field, a lack of discipline can result in casualties or injuries, and poor service provided to the public


Table of Contents:

Section 1: Introduction

i) Effective use of Comms (P. 4)

ii) Miranda Rights (P. 5)

iii) 10-X Codes (P. 6)

IV) Leave of Absence and Inactivity Notice (P.8)

V) Responsibilities (P.9)

Section 2: Regulation

i) Correct Gear and Regulation equipment (P. 10)

ii) Strike system (P. 11)

iii) Probationary Requirements

iV) Probationary Requirements

Section 3: Force of Continuum


ii) Probable Cause

iii) Presenting non-lethal

iv) Presenting Lethal

v) Detaining & Restraining

vi) Code-5 maneuver

Section 4: Vehicle Usage

i) Codes (1-2-3-4-5)

ii) Car Modifications

iii) Vehicle Regulation

Section 5: Code Of Ethic

i) Code OF Ethic

SECTION 1: Effective use of Communication

i. Correct dispatching

Dispatching and being able to correctly use comms is essential for being an officer/trooper/sheriff. Firstly you will contact dispatch via a correct comm use ‘[Callsign] To Dispatch’ dispatch will then forward you or tell you to send it and your next response will be ‘[Callsign] send”. You will then send the information as it goes in a distinct way. This will be the situation (10-15, 10-80, 10-70, etc.) You will proceed to, only if you can, to describe the suspect, their vehicle, any 10-50’s or etc. Furthermore, you will tell dispatch of your current 10-20 or location, this will be displayed in the bottom left (E.g. Smoke tree road, East Joshua Road, Marina dr. Airfield in Sandy Shores). Lastly, you will state if you require any additional units on scene or any supervisor or specialized divisions. An example: “Going to be 10-11 with a black 4-door sedan, final 10-20 is on East Joshua road, facing East near the gas station in Sandy, 10-32, 10-71, code 2”. This is how dispatching should be, however you may miss out description or vivid description if need be, say you are under fire or are primary in a 10-80 and you have a secondary.


ii. Speaking to civilians

At all times, as an officer, you must be respectful to civilians unless you are giving out commands necessary. If they decide to throw insults, or become verbally aggressive (Excludes threats, or acts of violence or self harm) you will NOT return any insults or retaliate in any such way. This will be further explained within the SECTION 3: Force of Continuum.

iii. Speaking to higher-ups

At any given time you are to address a superior with formality and respect with no edge of mockery. You are to address them “Sir/Madam” or you may address them by their rank such as SGT. or LT. in doing so they will treat you back equally with respect. This is also a good simple way of getting a good word put in for you however under no circumstance ask (unless you have proof of hard work) for a promotion or specific rank.

SECTION 1: Miranda Rights

i. Miranda rights -

“You have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you. Do you understand these rights? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me or any other LEO?”

ii. Explanation -

 These rights are to be read to someone who is currently either placed under investigation or being charged and arrested with a crime or on the suspicion of a crime until further notice. These Miranda rights in a simple way mean that you do not have to admit to guilt, you do not need to answer the questions officers may give you and/or you may stay completely quiet. Anything you as a suspect or person of a serious offense, say or do audibly or visibly, will be presented as evidence in court. You can ask and present a lawyer at any time, and if you do not have the acceptable money for one, may be provided one at the expense of the PD or Law of Court/State government. If the subject decides to stay quiet for the question “Do you understand these rights read to you?” then you may proceed and take the silence as an act of an expression of their rights. Following up with these rights, you will tell them the charges being pressed and the offenses they have committed and/or suspected of committing.

SECTION 1: 10 Codes

10-1 – Frequency Change                                                  10-50 – Vehicle accident

10-3 – Stop Transmitting                                                    10-51 – Requesting Tow Service

10-4 – Affirmative                                                                 10-52 – Requesting EMS

10-5 – Meal Break                                                                10-53 – Requesting FD

10-6 – Busy                                                                           10-55 – Intoxicated Driver

10-7 – Out of Service                                                            10-56 – Intoxicated Pedestrian

10-8 – In Service                                                                    10-60 – Armed with Gun

10-9 – Repeat                                                              10-61 – Armed with sharp weapon

10-10 – Fight In Progress                                         10-62 – Kidnapping

10-11 – Traffic Stop                                                 10-64 – Sexual Assault

10-12 – Active Ride Along                                         10-65 – Escorting Prisoner

10-13 – Shots Fired                                                     10-67 – Fire

10-15 – Subject in custody en route to station                 10-68 – Armed Robbery

10-16 – Stolen Vehicle                                                      10-70 – Foot Pursuit

10-17 – Suspicious Person                                         10-71 – Request Supervisor

10-20 – Location                                                 10-73 – Advise Status

10-22 – Disregard                                                 10-80 – Vehicle Pursuit

10-23 – Arrived on Scene                                         10-89 – In-game advice

10-25 – Domestic Dispute                                         10-90 – In-game Warning

10-26 – ETA                                                         10-93 – Removed from Game

10-27 – Drivers License Check for Valid                         10-95 – Recording

SECTION 1: 10 Codes

10-28 – Vehicle License Plate Check                         10-97 – En Route

10-29 – NCIC Warrant Check                                       10-99 - OID [PANIC PRESSED]

10-30 – Wanted Person

10-31 – Not Wanted No Warrants

10-32 – Request Backup (Code 1-2-3)

10-41 – Beginning Tour of Duty

10-42 – Ending Tour of Duty

10-43 – Information

10-49 – Homicide

10-50 – Vehicle Accident

Signal 100- Hold all but emergency traffic

SECTION 1: Leave Of Absence & Inactivity Notice

iV. Leave Of Absence -

Troopers who intend to be away from patrol as a San Andreas Highway Patrol member for an extended period of time (to exceed 7 days max) may submit a request for a leave of absence.
Under no circumstance shall a LOA request be denied by any member of the Department Executive Staff Team or Higher
 unless provided proof otherwise.

Troopers on LOA shall not patrol while still on LOA.
Troopers need only provide an estimate of the time they believe they will be gone during their LOA, and need not provide a reason if they aren't comfortable disclosing the nature of their LOA.

We highly encourage that if a Trooper cannot show activity within the department they request an LOA. LOA exempts you from monthly promotions & demotion, Terminations or being placed on AW for inactivity.

iV. Inactivity Notice -

Troopers who intend to be away from patrol as a San Andreas Highway Patrol member for an extended period of time (to exceed 14 days) may submit a request for a leave of absence. Under no circumstance shall an IN request be denied by any member of the Department Executive Staff or higher unless provided proof otherwise.

If you’re on Inactivity Notice you are submitting that you may be online & conducting your duties BUT it's going to be limited due to a personal issue. Below will list some reasons on why you should request an LOA or IN

Please note that: 

The Office of the Deputy Commissioner and Office of the Commissioner reserve the right to remove individuals for inactivity notice or even while on LOA, provided they reasonably believe the Trooper on LOA has abused the LOA system, or that the member has departed the server with no intention to return.

If someone has a reasonable excuse to patrol whilst LOA they must present that reason to the SAHP Heads in the order of Assistant Chief > Chief > Assistant Commissioner > Deputy Commissioner > Commissioner, you must ensure you give at least 24 hrs notice after contacting each member of the heads team in order as listed above.

Leave Of Absence Examples

  • Family Vacation
  • Family Emergency
  • No Access To A Computer (Totally BROKEN)
  • Injury
  • Roblox issue (Banned or Account Disabled)

Inactivity Notice Examples

  • Mental Health Break
  • Family Emergency
  • No Access To A Computer (Temporarily BROKEN)
  • Curricular Activity (Practice or Games)
  • Traveling (Has access to Mobile)

SECTION 1: Responsibility

 V.  Responsibility -

As members of the San Andreas Highway Patrol, We must set responsibilities and requirements to strive towards to meet not only our jobs but core values. At SAHP, we are not only responsible for our actions but we are responsible to the citizens we serve.

        Under the following will be some of the requirements and goals SAHP troopers must strive for on a daily basis.

All San Andreas Troopers should be able to set goals for themselves to reach and better enhance themselves.

2. They should be ambitious within the department and within the server and discord.

3. Be proficient in and understand the application of laws and regulations pertaining to troopers in the performance of their duties.

4.  Be able to take constructive criticism for better enhancement in their LEO experience.

5 Be able to identify situations that might put yourself or others in harm's way and mitigate or eliminate that risk.

6. Be able to use force appropriately and never outside the permissions of the law or guidance of this document.

7. To be able to Interview witnesses and victims of crimes, investigate crimes in an attempt to secure criminals and make arrests.

8.Try and attend our monthly Department wide meeting to keep in check with updates and the future of the department

SECTION 2: Correct Gear and Regulation equipment

  • LEO Glock 22 with Flashlight attachment

(Lethal) [ALL SAHP]

  • M870 Shotgun

(Lethal) [SRT ONLY]

  • LEO AR15 with Flashlight attachment & Laser point attachment

(Lethal) [ALL SAHP]

  • SIG MCX VIRTUS with Flashlight attachment & suppressor attachment & Laser point attachment

(Lethal) [CIU C.A.T & SRT ONLY]

  • Taser with Flashlight attachment

(Non-Lethal) [ALL SAHP]

  • Barrat Sniper

(Lethal) [SRT ONLY] [CIU C.A.T]

  • Police Baton

(Non-Lethal) [ALL SAHP]

  • Deployable Spikes

(Pursuit Disable system) [ALL SAHP]


(Computer Aided Dispatch System) [ALL SAHP]

  • Grab tool

 (Arrest system process) [ALL SAHP]

  • Detain Tool

 (Arrest system process) [ALL SAHP]

  • Arrest Tool

 (Arrest system process) [ALL SAHP]

  • Police Riot shield 

(Protection use) [SRT]

  • Flashlight

(Lighting object) [ALL SAHP]

  • Medkit/medbag

(Basic medical bag) [DPS]

  • Battering Ram

(DEADLY) [SRT, CIU] [or Head Command+ if SRT & CIU are unavailable]

SECTION 2: Strike System / Probationary Requirements

i. San Andreas Highway Patrol Administration Team -

Within the official department, you get 3 strikes/
Blackmarks and you’re out. The 2nd strike will result in a 5 day suspension. There is 1 way to appeal this, you must create a ticket in #create-a-ticket and put in a punishment appeal ticket. From there you will say “Blackmark Appeal” and the bot will send a list of questions. Please fill out the questions while waiting for a SR [Staff Rank]+.

iii) Probationary Requirements

i. Time requirements/Training Requirements -

 All probationary troopers must spend 2-9 hours [3 training] within the Training center. During this time you are being watched by SGT+ within training. The way you guys act, perform and put dedication towards SAHP will determine your results in the Training center. PT’s need to complete 3 training sessions to move onto Trooper.

ii. Standards -

As an officer, you must be clear and confident as well as sympathetic yet critical and imperative. You must be able to communicate properly as well as take on other tasks. Some are as follows. You
MUST know your Miranda rights, these are crucial and without them you are going to end up in a lawsuit as well as court marshal. Must be able to conduct a 10-11 as well as an arrest, Must be able to drive.

SECTION 3: Force Of Continuum/Use Of Force Model

i) Introduction 

i. All Troopers who exercise force greater than Verbal are required to render aid as soon as  the situation has been deemed safe to do so. No Trooper shall leave another wounded law enforcement officer unattended or alone. The first priority when an officer is wounded shall be with assisting and transporting that officer away from the situation as soon as practical. In the event of an unlikely event of an officer down, in a situation that would be unsafe for EMS to deploy into, it is recommended an Officer coordinate a safe place for EMS to stage near the incident until the officer can be extracted to the location of EMS. The priority of care should begin with wounded Law Enforcement Officers. If more than one officer on the scene is able to provide immediate first aid, treatment of both wounded officers and suspects should take place. Troopers must secure and detain wounded suspects prior to treatment or any medical treatment.


-Level 1: Uniform Presence. (Example, just your presence of being there, may make people follow the laws)

-Level 2: Verbal communication. (Example, Direct communication, trying to speak with people, whether non-hostile to get them to calm down while somebody is resisting)

-Level 3: Non-weapon strategies. - (Example, Restrainments, trying to restrain someone walking or standing still)

-Level 4: Non-lethal weapon strategies. (Example, Tasers, when somebody doesn’t follow your orders after multiple warnings, to down them)

-Level 5: Deadly force. (Ex. Glock 22 or Rifle to kill someone; Only use if a life's in danger!)

SECTION 3: Force Of Continuum/Use Of Force Model

  • Officers may use one level above the citizens within reason

❌; Wrong Example - "Hey officer!" *You restrain him*

✅; Correct Example - "No way officer, i'm not gonna get out of the car." *After multiple warnings to tell him to get out of the car, you roleplay to break the window and pull them out and restrain them*

❌; Wrong Example - Citizen walks towards you. *You tase him*

✅; Correct Example - Citizen runs from you after multiple warnings to stop. *You tase him*

❌; Wrong Example - Citizen gets into a vehicle accident with you. *You get out and kill him*

✅; Correct Example - Citizen runs you over when you walk across the street. Citizen turns around and floors it towards you. *You kill him or shoot his car to protect yourself*

iii. Shooting at vehicles

You are only allowed to shoot someone in a vehicle if they are using it as a weapon to run you or someone else over. Shooting them from the back of the car is unlawful unless they reverse on you or authorized by the commanding officer or watch commander (SGT+) on duty.

SECTION 3: Force Of Continuum/Use Of Force Model

i. Probable Cause

Probable Cause is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. If you can tell another person how you logically know that they are guilty, you may stop/restrain them. Reason I say this is because if you pulled someone over or restrained them, and they say “Why was I pulled over or restrained?”, you actually have a reason and could tell them.

iii. Presenting lethal

i. Having your rifle out is okay during certain circumstances. When the chance of coming into contact with an armed individual is reasonable, having your rifle out is okay. If a life is not in danger, store your lethal in your vehicle. This is for enhanced RP. Furthermore, you may have your pistol present at ANY time during interaction with civilians, and a backup officer may have his/her weapon out also on scene.

iv. Presenting non-lethal

i. Tasers are okay to have out during Code 2 calls or contacts. During a traffic stop, a taser is okay to have presented and down.

SECTION 3: Force Of Continuum / Use Of Force Model

i. Forms of detaining:

Placing one in restraints for detaining purposes consists of investigating a crime and having too many subjects and not enough officers (officer safety). Placing one under arrest does not mean they are in cuffs. Specifically stating you are detaining them or placing them under arrest is a lawful order as long as there is reason to believe or without a reasonable doubt a crime has been committed, a crime is in progress, or a crime was being conspired.

Detaining is also the simple task of making sure one does not leave a corresponding area for reasons of safety such as getting them to kneel with their hands on their head while you wait for additionals or a supervisor. This is mainly for safety or investigation.

Restraining one is the simple action of physically binding a subject or pinning said subject down. This is done in the most formal way such as cuffs (Via the detain tool).

Arresting one is the action of placing one under the current custody of that officer and his department until a court hearing. This means that the subject is to be read his rights and told his charges, then taken to the nearest department PD ( SAHP or SSPD ) and placed into a cell or to be transported to jail for their crimes.

SECTION 3: Force Of Continuum/Use Of Force Model

i. Code 5 -

A code 5 stop is used for apprehending suspects who are wanted via a warrant or are armed and dangerous with some kind of weapon. Furthermore, a code 5 is used to bring that suspect to his knees and in your hand cuffs to be arrested. It consists of 2 or more officers parking their vehicles hood facing towards the target vehicle with front facing doors open for cover, and then one or more units with lethal AND non-lethal weapons to apprehend the suspect in question. The commands given out by the lead unit which will ALWAYS be the first unit on scene and/or the unit calling in for a code 5 in the first place. This unit is also the unit which would have the non-lethal taser out as well. They will issue the basic commands of “Turn the engine off and keep your hands where we can see them. Slowly step out of the vehicle facing forward and away from us. (In first person) Slowly walk back to the sound of my voice till I say stop. Stop! Kneel on the ground and do not move!” This is the simple command list that should be given from the lead unit to suspect(s) within the vehicle.


ii. Times to be applied -

A code 5 is usually applied to a traffic stop (10-11) in which the primary unit calls in for multiple additionals with a code 3 response. However, another way a code 5 is applied is during the end of a pursuit (10-80) in which 3 or more separate squad vehicles box in a suspect in which they will then proceed to exit the vehicle and initiate a code 5.

SECTION 3: Force Of Continuum/Use Of Force Model

iii. Crossfire and team play -

 One very important thing is constantly having the thought of crossfire and team play in your mind. In your team, you may have friendly competition however at no time should it come into play when team work is most needed!  You must watch your field of view, know where your team is, know what they are thinking and planning as

“great minds think alike” and this is very important and crucial as an officer. Crossfire defines the possibility of shooting a teammate in your field of view and therefore applying risk to their person. Never raise your weapon if an officer is within your 45 degree field of view! Never aim your weapon at a fellow officer, trooper and/or sheriff at any given time. This applies both to lethal and non lethal situations.

SECTION 4: Vehicle Usage / Emergency Lights & Sirens

i. Code 1 -

Code 1 simply stands for you will respond or patrol
without lights or sirens.

ii. Code 2 -

Code 2 is the response to a 10-32 call or 10-11 in which you respond with only your
active lights (Air Horn for crossing intersections for safety). Mainly used for a 10-32 call in which the officer in question doesn’t require immediate help.

iii. Code 3 

- Code 3 is the response to a 10-99, 10-32 code 3 and/or request for code 5 stop in which you respond to
lights and sirens. This is also used during a pursuit (10-80/70) or anything involving danger to a life of some sort.

iv. Code 4 -

This is used after a situation in which you “mark” as dealt with or currently not hostile or any danger, an example is after you arrest and restrain a subject who was armed with a lethal weapon of some sort, you call code 4 and return to in service or 10-8 and you go back to code 1 patrol.

v. Code 5 - This is under Section 3: Force of Continuum Part vi) Code 5 Maneuver.

SECTION 4: Vehicle Usage / Emergency Lights & Sirens

vi. Code abuse -

Code abuse is the term used when Codes 2-5 are used for the wrong reasons or out of jurisdiction. An example of this is to go code 3 to simply skip a traffic light because you “felt like it” or without any real need of using it. Responding to code 1 to a scene you may use code 3 at a traffic intersection if deemed necessary.

vii) Car Modifications

i. Performance Mods - All unmarked cars must be painted to their appropriate rank color. For instanstance no unrealistic colors such as a Pink Dodge charger or a brown one.

viii) Car Controls (NEW!)



Emergency Lights Code 2 (Steady)


Emergency Lights Code 3 (Full ELS)


Wail Siren


Yelp Siren




Traffic Advisers

K (3 Stages)

Take Downs

[ (Left Bracket)


] (Right Bracket)

SECTION 5: Pursuit Policy

A) Policy A: Initiation of pursuit 

A) Due to the extremely dangerous nature of pursuits, the initiation of a pursuit must have a viable reason to be initiated. (e.g. Felony warrant for arrest, violent crime, etc.)

B) To initiate a 10-80, you must first see if the roadway is clear for you to catch up with such a suspect. From there you will turn on your lights and sirens to warn other vehicles to pull over to the right.

C) Once the vehicle is fleeing and you initiated a 10-80 you will call it in, you will say “[Callsign], 10-80 (Vehicle Pursuit) on a 2016 dodge charger, pink in color, occ x1, x2-3 units required’’ After, you have made it clear that you have a 10-80 you will keep callouts every 15-20 seconds.

 ​​B) Policy B: Termination Of Pursuit 

A) Once a pursuit has been initiated, approximately five (10) minutes must pass before any termination techniques are executed.

B) All maneuvers must be authorized by the highest ranking officer involved in the pursuit.

C) In order to terminate one of the following techniques are to be executed: i) Pursuit Intervention Technique ii

SECTION 5: Pursuit Policy

C) Policy C: Execution of a Pursuit Maneuver

 A) Roll-in Roadblock: Two pursuing vehicles will pull ahead of the fleeing vehicle, and create a V formation, while one or more pursuing vehicles will fall in behind the fleeing vehicle will slowly begin to break causing the fleeing vehicle to be forced to come to a stop. If in the event the fleeing vehicle does not show signs of slowing down as a result of the maneuver, the maneuver must be terminated.

​​B) Pursuit Intervention Technique (Pit Maneuver) A officer will align the front bumper of their vehicle with the rear bumper of the fleeing vehicle, then turn into the vehicle causing its rear tires to break traction from the pavement. In order to execute the Pursuit Intervention Technique, the following conditions must be met:

D) Policy D: Requirements

A) Roadway must be paved of asphalt / Concrete / Dirt if needed

B) Fleeing vehicle must not be traveling at speeds greater than 160+ Miles per hour

C) Fleeing vehicle must not collide with any oncoming traffic

D) Fleeing vehicle must not cause excess structural damage to any building or public appliance, as a result of the.

SECTION 6: Calls [NEW!]

Vehicle pursuits require coordination, and as such will constitute a priority on the channel allowing for communication of involved and attaching units.

With this there are some rules that need to be followed,

  1. Do not self-attach to a pursuit, even if it passes you. Wait for dispatch, or units involved, to ask for backup.

  1. The maximum number of units in pursuit is 3 unless necessary. Other units should be ready to deploy spikes / roadblocks upon request.

  1. The secondary unit or Air One will give 10-20s (aka directions). Utilize your PLD (Place, Location & Direction) on the screen to give updates to the current road and direction of travel.

  1. Only the primary unit or a supervisor can request pursuit ending techniques such as roadblocks or spike strips. These are not to be deployed at will, and misuse will result in disciplinary action.

  1. Always call for Air Support during a pursuit when available, as this makes LEO’s job far easier.

  1. If shots are fired during a pursuit, back off to a safe distance (100-200m) and follow safely.

  1. Do not utilize oncoming lanes unless absolutely necessary and the primary officer reserves the right to call off pursuits if it becomes too dangerous to LEO or civilian life.

  1. If a pursuit gets too dangerous, the primary unit, a supervisor or Air One can call in tracking mode. This means that all units should reduce to code 1 and back off to a safe distance (500m - 800m).

  1. When an officer gets injured or is in a traffic collision, the last unit needs to break off and assist the injured officer.

  1. When a civ drops an item / leaves a vehicle, the last unit is to secure this object / vehicle.

SECTION 7: Station Policy / Private Property

A) Policy A: Station Entry

A) SAHP’s new station holds very important gear / vehicles & documents that civilians and other LEO departments should not and WILL not gain access to. SAHP is considered State Property / Private Property which means if anyone who does not have authorization to enter is considered Trespassing.

B) The only reason why the FBI, HVPD, BCSO or SSPD is allowed on SAHP’s property is if a supervisor (SGT+) or the station is being raided by civilians. If you let anyone in the station without probable cause you will immediately be terminated.

 ​​B) Policy B: Station Charges & Necessary Force

A) If a Law Enforcement Officer enters the station unauthorized you will order them to leave, if they dont you will CUFF them & escort them out.

B) If a Civilian enters the station unauthorized you will CUFF them & arrest them for Trespassing On Government / State Property.


San Andreas Highway Patrol

Sandy Shores, Route 13. PO BOX 60597

Approved byCommissioner 17xrio

SAHP Code Of Ethics: As a member of San Andreas Highway Patrol, my first duty is to serve the people of San Andreas. I will safeguard lives and property, and protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder. Above all else, I shall respect the constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality, and justice. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all, maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule, develop self restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. I will be honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, and I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my Department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept confidential unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities. ​​

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself to my chosen profession… law enforcement.